In 2004, American artist Maria Thomas and her companion Rick Roberts developed a self-help art therapy through the new art form with graffiti-style called “Zentangle”. As the name suggests, the activity of creating these "tangles" (short for Zentangle) has become a "zen" activity, or "yoga for the mind". It increases focus and creativity, and helps release and relaxation through drawing.
Nowadays, urbanites are facing with the intensive lifestyle and work pressure, it is hard to squeeze time and space to release and relax. Zentangle® is an easy-to-learn drawing method to create beautiful patterns in a relax and funny way, and finally make an unique pictures, which will bring you satisfaction and happiness. Whether you know how to draw or not, Zentangle® art is non-representational and unplanned so you can focus on each stroke and no need to worry about the result. Everyone can draw your masterpiece in a delightful surprise.
This course is a foundation for beginners which consist of four classes. It mainly provides the historical background of Zentangle®, introduction of the drawing methods and basic steps of Zentangle® pattern and how to create beautiful art with gratitude and appreciation. People who draw according to the Zentangle® Method, describe their experiences as others describe the states of mindfulness and flow. During practicing Zentangle® drawing, you will have a positive influence on creativity, self-image, focus and problem solving. Our Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT), Kathy will also incorporate different meditation topic in each class to increase your awareness, enter a vibrant and supportive world-wide community, and feel gratitude and appreciation for this beautiful world and all that you can do. “Life is an art form and that each of us is an artist.” Hope can bring fortune and happiness to everyone through meditation with Zentangle®.
Course Content:
- the elements of the Zentangle® drawing, the background of pattern, basic steps of Zentangle® Methods
- string theory, gather and connection, pattern modification
- the principle of Zentangle®, patterns combination, decoration of paper tiles
- with the meditation microscopic, thanks and appreciate the Zentangle® drawing
Meditation Topic:
1st Class - Balance
2nd Class - Abundance
3rd Class - Happiness
4th Class - Love
Instructor: Kathy Lee (Certified Zentangle Teacher, CZT32)
Class Dates (total 4 classes):
- Sunday class - April 7, 14, 28 and May 5
- Saturday class - May 4, 11, 18, 25
Class Size: 7 people
Duration : 2.5 hours
Location: HETING, Central PMQ S514
Fees: $1,380 per person
*** Fees already included: Zentangle® official materials and tools***
Kathy Lee’s Profile:
Kathy has more than 10 years of corporate training experience, who ever worked as a training instructor for multinational organizations, and participated in community training for non-profit organizations. Kathy studied and graduated from graphic design and fashion design in university, also she ever studied hypnotherapy and different kinds of naturopathy. In the early years, Kathy has studied Buddhism and practiced meditation, and now she is continuing to improve her desire to achieve the attitude of “go with the flow" through meditation. Kathy now is trying to combine her knowledge and experiences through art and color to help urbanites to release and relax with mindfulness method. Hopefully everyone can achieve balancing with both body and mind, to live in a meaningful life.
Personal Biography:
- Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT32) (US)
- American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH) Registered and Certified Hypnotherapist (US)
- Professional Board of Hypnotherapy (PBH) registered hypnotherapist and life member (Canada)
- Certified Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner (US)
- Aura Soma® Practitioner (UK)
- Registered Personal Coach (HK)
2004年,美國藝術家Maria Thomas和她的伴侶Rick Roberts,透過繪畫形式更進一步的精緻化和規格化創作塗鴉風格的「Zentangle」,「Zen」是「禪」,而「tangle」則是意味著「纏繞式」的畫法。禪繞畫對很多人而言,是一種可以幫助自己放鬆下來,同時又可以享受畫畫的樂趣。
現今都市人都面對生活的瑣事及工作壓力,好不容易找個空間來放鬆。透過易於學習的"禪繞畫Zentangle® "圖案,進入忘憂的創意空間,繪畫出一幅一幅美麗又獨特的圖畫,帶給自己在藝術上的滿足感以及增強的個人幸福感。 無論懂得繪畫與否,幾乎任何人都可以掌握"禪繞畫Zentangle® "的繪畫方法。
本課程共四堂為初階入門,主要提供"禪繞畫Zentangle® "歷史背景,及介紹繪畫基本禪繞畫圖案的方法和步驟,創作屬於自己的禪繞畫紙磚。導師Kathy每堂除了教授多個禪繞畫圖案及繪畫方法外,還會融入不同靜心主題,希望學員能夠舒心解憂,做個開心快活人。
第一堂 - 平衡 Balance
第二堂 - 豐盛 Abundance
第三堂 - 喜悅 Happiness
第四堂 - 愛 Love
Zentangle® 禪繞導師:
Kathy Lee (美國認證禪繞導師CZT32)
上課日期 (共4堂):
名額: 每班7個
時間: 2.5小時
地點: HETING, 中環PMQ S514
費用: 每位$1,380
***費用已包括: 美國Zentangle® 官方機構使用材料及工具***
Kathy Lee簡介:
Kathy 擁有十多年的企業培訓經驗,曾任職多間跨國企業機構的培訓導師,及參與非牟利社區團體的社區培訓工作。於大學時代曾修讀平面設計及服裝設計,繼而再學習催眠治療及其他自然療法。Kathy於早年開始學習禪修及靜心冥想,不斷精進希望達到「隨心而行,隨遇而安」的處世態度。故此,Kathy結合多年的學習和經驗,希望透過藝術及色彩協助都市人能夠放下煩惱,放鬆心情,騰出空間來促進身心靈得到開啟並成長,達至身心靈發展平衡,過著有意義的正念人生。
-美國認證禪繞Zentangle® 導師(CZT32)
-美國Tuning Fork Therapy®認可音叉治療師
-英國Aura Soma®彩油咨詢師