- 什麼是香薰精油
- 香薰精油作為香水材料的獨特性
- 比較天然香水與一般市面上的香水
- 調配天然香水的要點
-10種天然精油作調配之用(例如Ylang Ylang 依蘭依蘭, Mandarin Green 意大利綠桔, Cedarwood Virginia 北非圓柏)
- DIY環節(每人可調配一枝 6ml 專屬自己的精油香水)
Jodie Chan
ESSCENTRIC's 創辦人及Scent Creator
國際認可整全芳香療法師 (IFPA/ NAHA/ NZROHA)
Jodie 對獨特香氣充滿熱情,熱衷混合不同精油之深層味道,從而創立ESSCENTRIC品牌,以時尚生活品味,表現誘人之真實香氣。她力臻完美,喜歡創造動人氣味,保證採用純正香薰精油,創造獨一無二一的手工香水 (Perfume Oils) 和環境氣味 (Home Scents);透過了解你或你們的性格、故事及回憶,以專有獨特的精油,去創造只屬於你或你們個人專屬的氣味。
查詢 : 9478 8235 (whatsapp)/ 2546 0008 (call)Natural Perfume Making Workshop
The power of scent can not only bring back memories of the past, but also bring different influences to the body and mind. However, most of the perfumes in the market are man-made fragrances and perfumes that can be toxic and loaded with allergenic compounds. Over time, we have forgotten the smells that have existed in nature since ancient times.
Only natural perfume is made with aromatherapeutic essential oil that's 100% natural and full of plant vitality. It can have powerful energy influence on people's body and state of min, and enhance your wellbeing. In this workshop, let us explore from the natural plant healing perspective to blend essential oil perfumes, and re-experience the magical power of natural aroma!
This is an introductory class for those who are interested in making your own scents but with little or no knowledge in essential oil and perfume. Upon completing the workshop, you will be able to blend your own favourite oils at home.
Come create your unique scents with Jodie!
Workshop Content:
- What Essential Oils are
- The uniqueness of using essential oils for making perfume
- Natural perfume VS Artificial perfume
- Introduction of 10 kinds of essential oil e.g Ylang Ylang, Mandarin Green, Cedarwood Virginia
- Skills on blending perfume oils
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Fee: HKD680 (including 1pcs of 6ml custom blend 100 % natural perfume)
Venue: Heting Artelier (PMQ S514)
Class size: 6
Language: Cantonese
Enquiry: 9478 8235 (whatsapp)/ 2546 0008 (call)
About the Tutor
Jodie Chan
ESSCENTRIC's Founder & Scent Creator
Certified Holistic Aromatherapist (IFPA/ NAHA/ NZROHA)
Jodie is passionate about the uniqueness of aroma and about mixing the deep scents of different essential oils, hence ESSCENTRIC is born- an expression of authentic alluring aroma in a modern lifestyle. Through understanding of individual personalities, stories and memories, Jodie customize personalized blends of perfume oils and home scents with natural essential oils. Stand out from the ordinary and rebel a bit with your very own scent made especially by the founder of Esscentric.