永生花珠寶首飾盒 (寶石藍/珍珠粉紅)
珠寶盒頂層是代表永恆的永生花裝飾配孤形玻璃蓋,以永不凋謝的花藝技術,保存著最盛放美麗的玫瑰,更代表著永恆的愛永生不滅,至誠表達出永續不斷的訊息,而下層可放置手鏈或戒指等首飾,既精緻又實用,具高貴優雅的夜空藍色與浪漫迷人的粉紅色選擇,更顯珍 · 瑰。
- 以永不凋謝的花藝技術,保存著最盛放美麗的玫瑰,向珍惜及愛的人傳達愛的訊息
Eternal flower jewel box (Royal Blue/Romantic Pink)
- preserved flower jewel box in royal blue or romantic pink
- A Elegant decorative accessories and also a Jewel box
“Eternal Flower Jewel Box”, which can be used to store your collection of precious jewellery pieces. The top of the box is embellished with eternal flower decorations finished with a curved glass cover, while the lower tier provides plenty of space for jewellery such as bracelets and rings. Exquisite but practical, it comes in two colours: royal blue and romantic pink.
The purest of its kind, the white rose symbolises true affection, sparking an intricate feeling of intimacy that warms the heart. The flower of love, white roses have overlapping petals arranged in an orderly fashion. Just like love itself, every rose blossoms in its own time, transcending the limits of age and physical form. It is the essence of a pure soul-to-soul encounter.
Love is pure. Love is transcendent. Love is a white rose.